Formerly known as Christians Supporting Choice for Voluntary Euthanasia

Tag: Go Gentle Australia (Page 2 of 2)

Create and send your personalised Voluntary Euthanasia Bill to the Politicians.

Here is an exciting new initiative from Andrew Denton and his team at Go Gentle Australia.  It is fully automated, takes only seconds to prepare, and looks impressive!

To quote from the Be The Bill Website…..

Create a version of a Voluntary Euthanasia Bill with your name in it, replacing the neutral legal word, ‘person’, as a symbol of your support. We’ll instantly send it to the 69 MPs in South Australia. Let’s remind them that the upcoming vote on the Bill is about real people, with real suffering, who are seeking the choice of a peaceful death. We won’t publish anything to your Facebook feed without your permission, but we hope you will share your Bill and spread the word.

The outcome of this vote won’t just affect one State. It will affect us all.

Please share on Facebook.



“The Damage Done” Essential reading on the need for assisted dying laws – Andrew Denton

From the introduction until the last page “The Damage Done” contains very moving factual testimonies about the dying of 72 terminally ill Australians.  Every story indicates that in spite of the best efforts of palliative care, a change in the law is urgently required to give those who are dying an additional choice – the choice of an assisted death.

Congratulations to Andrew Denton and his team for collating and publishing this book.

“The Damage Done” can be downloaded as a free e-book from the Go Gentle Australia website.

As well as reading “The Damage Done”, please listen to Andrew Denton’s brilliant, well articulated and factual speech at the National Press Club, Canberra on the topic of assisted dying.

Have you looked at the Andrew Denton Podcasts I mentioned in an earlier post?

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